Online Course Testimonials

The Essential Guide to Any Motorcycle Traveler - Online Course - Testimonials

Please take the time to read what some of the students say about the course. If you would like to leave a testimonial, please feel free to make it at any time. Positive or negative it doesn't matter I will publish it immediately because in both cases it will help me to correct the possible mistakes or make the course even better! Drop me an e-mail here.


The course covers a lot of ground and in a high level of detail. The emphasis is on keeping things low key, down to earth and forces you to look at what you already have and how you can enjoy this. What is holding you back? Look into yourself and be honest about this. I found this course to be full of valuable information and I appreciate Pavlin's enthusiasm and honesty, also sharing his mistakes. 

For only $49 you get so much, I find it incredible. Maybe not every topic in the course is for everyone, but there is enough so that everyone should be able to get something new and important from it. Well worth the money.

The only suggestion I have, for a possible future extension, would be to include a video showing the basics of riding techniques, especially offroad. It is mentioned in the course, but it would be good if there were some introductory video instructions about this as well.

Niels Schutten (13.11.2024)


This course is amazing and worth every single cent! It will help me to reduce the costs a lot. As I’m planning a trip to Morocco in April I will repeat the course right from the beginning. I decided to ride during the winter months as you suggested. I already throw away useless parts and gear and checked out the best underwear for me without buying new things.

The only “Must Have” for motorcycle traveling apart from bike, helmet, boots, and co. is this course.

Very well done, Pavlin!!

Peter Zimmermann (Austria), Nov 2022


Well, I finished the course, and perhaps I was one of the slowest in your class to do so. But it was fantastic, and best of all, you often said the very things I was thinking about  - what people say regarding the type of motorcycle, type of gear, amount of stuff, etc., etc. I am glad to know I am not crazy!  Thank you for a terrific course; I highly recommend it to everyone.

Christopher Parrish (USA), May 2022




High-quality adventure motorcycling course!

Pavlin manages to present in a very concise and clear way all the dos and don'ts of Adventure Motorcycling that he managed to gather in tens of thousands of km in trips all around the world. At the same time, he instills confidence and inspires people like me who until now only dreamt of big motorcycle adventures! I highly recommend this course and for me was many hours of learning and listening about my life's passion from one of the most passionate adventurers I have come across!

Thank you, Pavlin!

Stefan Georgescu (Romania) 7th of June 2021


Good format and informative...

All the instructional videos from YouTube and the website in one location and if downloaded one file. I completed it online and downloaded the file to enjoy when no data service... Thanks for a good and affordable course with no fluff...

Stephen Dorje (Germany), 5th of March 2021



A tremendous amount of work went into assembling and organizing the course and it shows.  The level of detail was good, and the clarity was very good.  The presentation confirms that everything from the most obvious truisms (weight matters!), to general travel tips (conduct yourself with confidence), and to the value of an expensive Gore-Tex jacket (probably worth it), is all presented with the credibility of experience.  The audio course is a great bang for the buck.  And don't follow the sheep.

Michael Schaffer (Germany), 15th of February, 2021

Hi Pavlin,
I've been driving motorized two-wheelers for almost 50 years and have made many trips with them (currently 9,000 to 12,000 km a year). But only in Europe. First alone and now with my wife on the motorcycle. The subject of long-distance travel has always fascinated me. I have read the books by Ted Simon (“Jupiter's Journey”) and Max Reisch (“Lockende Ferne”) several times. But I never found the courage to take such a trip myself. Nevertheless, I found many aspects in your course that I have been using myself for many years (e.g. behavior in other countries). In the part "Safety" and "Riding Gear" I completely rediscovered my own experiences. I am currently driving a Honda Varadero 1000 and this motorcycle is slowly becoming too heavy for me even though we are 95% on paved roads. I therefore gratefully accepted your tips on “traveling light”. But I haven't found a real alternative for 2 people. Thanks for the course, it was worth the money.

Please excuse my bad English!
Udo Bollhorst (Germany), 11th of January 2021

Very worthwhile, and brings things together well. Highly recommended!
Covid and work commitments prevented my two planned trips this year, but in 2021 I'll be off to whichever countries it's possible in Europe. The time in lockdown was spent well on this course, and preparing the bike, and I'm itching to go now!
Chris Franks (Isle of Man), 5th of Dec 2020


Pavlin covers every aspect of long-distance adventure motorcycle travel in this course. Topics cover practical suggestions and oftentimes unique solutions to trip prep, practical ways to make traveling easier and more fun, and how to interact with people and the environment you are interacting with along the way.

An interesting topic he discusses is the mental aspect of preparing for a long trip. Giving yourself permission to actually leave home and break with your daily routine. I enjoyed working my way through this course. I'm glad I jumped in and got all the information in one place.

I've changed my thinking about how I want to travel on my motorcycle after completing this course. My travels will now be much simpler and less stressful than before.

Brian Blackburn (USA), 15th of Nov 2020


A very informative and complete course for a beginner or the advanced rider. Someone like me that rode bikes for years then has not for about 20 years now. I am retiring and wanting to return to riding and doing longer rides.

John Claspell (USA) 27th of Oct 2020

A very useful course for any motorcyclist!

This course provides very useful and practical tips for any motorcyclist. Very good information for short to long motorcycle trips. It is very well categorized and easy to follow. The course gets you thinking out of the box to see trips are possible in more ways than you initially think. A number of provided advice I also experienced during my first trips and adjusted already so practically know they are very true. After completing the course I have the mental push and fine polished advice to live towards a motorcycle traveling future.

Sander Veerbeek (Netherlands) 25th of Oct 2020


Greetings Pavlin,
let me begin by thanking you for putting together such a beautiful online course. I have been watching your youtube videos for quite a while now and I was confident that your online course will be very enlightening. You've put together years of your practical experience into your videos. All the videos carry detailed explanations on the subject and can be of use to any novice motorbike rider or a pro traveler. I'd also take this opportunity to thank you for making the course more affordable by offering a huge discount, more people can benefit from it now.

May God bless you and have a wonderful day ahead. Hope to hear from you.

Hasan Shaikh (Dubai) 9th of Sept 2020

I took this course and really enjoyed it. It was a well organized and thorough exploration of how to travel by bike and does a great job at the practical important stuff like border crossings. Do note that this is not a “riding course” - No tips for how to corner your GS in the gravel. But everything else you’d want to think about is covered really well. I’d give the course a big thumbs up.

Scott L (UK) 1st of Sept 2020

Dear reader,
I recommend all of you to follow this course. I did so, before my trip for one week. Many aspects of this course were so useful to enjoy and keep me safe during my trips. I faced in one week extreme temperatures, storms, and heavy rainfall. The prep work on this trip included this course.

Bart Bylois (Belgium) 31st of Aug 2020


I highly recommend this course. Suits for new and even more experienced drivers.

Jani Vihervuori (Finland) 29th of Aug 2020



I highly recommend it. Signed up at the start of summer, got all the information, and an account for hopefully forever. I'm on my first long trip now on holidays and it supported me so well. Don't hesitate, guys, you won't be disappointed. This is a Lifetime Investment

thomoto790, 26th of Aug, 2020


I never signed for any course in my entire life but I am so glad that I did it! Thank you very much, Pavlin! You saved me a lot of money and many possible disappointments on the road. I highly recommend this course!

Neo (Greece) 10th of June 2020


Worth every cent!

The one and only Source you will need to improve yourself concerning riding and all about trips. Following Pavlin's Youtube-Channel since 2017, I thought one day, it would be great to have all the information available in one place because you don't want to be dependent on Youtube. And my dream became true with this Course - Available anytime anywhere! Thank you for your effort Pavlin! With your inspiration, I got hooked with riding again, got the license, a bike, and now planning trips like you. What a gift. Sincerely, your greatest fan ;-)

Thomas Czajkowski (Poland) 7th of June 2020


Dear  Pavlin,
I hope you are doing well and preparing for new adventures. I want to thank you for your great online courses. It exceeded my expectations. Very informative and practical tips about adventure traveling, gear and technical aspects to pay attention. Content is easy, clear, and delivers essentials on an adventure traveling with distinctive philosophy on it. For me, as a beginner, it was a great chance to learn an easy way now than a hard way later.  And no matter if you prepare to travel around the world or just around your block.

Thank you for sharing your experience and good luck on new adventures!
Giedrius (Lithuania) 30th of May 2020


I have been watching the 'motorcycle adventures' youtube channel for a number of years. It is full of really useful real-world advice, tips, and hard-won knowledge to help us adventure dreamers make our dreams come true. 
As soon as I saw Pavlin was putting together a video course covering almost every question or perceived problem I have had about choosing and preparing the bike, route planning to visas and borders I knew I wanted to take it. The reduced price was a bonus but having completed the first module I can see the information it contains is worth much more than even the full price!
Please take this course and perhaps I'll see you on the road. I have no connection with Pavlin other than as a satisfied customer.

Robin C (UK) 22nd of May (2020)


This course is a well thought out, informative, and already has been a cost-saving to me. When everyone online is trying to sell you their latest adventure widget that will improve your life on a long-distance adventure, Pavlin lays out the simple and honest truths by his own personal experience. He is not trying to change your mind, just telling you about his experience as a long-distance motorcycle adventurer/traveler. An example that comes to mind: I was wanting a $700 USD tent that would be "the best thing I ever brought on my future trip...". Pavlin's simple explanation of "weight always matters" and his explanation with examples that when traveling sometimes tenting is not necessarily the cheapest option. The money savings right there paid for the course AND added to my budget. The course is simply laid out in bite-size pieces and is easy to navigate around. I have recommended this to my long-distance non-adventure cruiser riders as I feel they would get something out of this too. Different bikes, roads, but the same philosophy would apply.

Paul R Davidson (Canada) 15th of May 2020


This is a quite unique and brilliant course for those who want to take a step forward in their motor riding practices. Unique because I have not seen any other structured and online course such as this one before. Pavlin follows a well-planned content with good interfacing between the different parts/ lessons of the course. Also, he covers not only the technical basics but also the psychological and emotional parts of the concept he is talking about. Gives personal tricks and shares proven tips.

Brilliant because Pavlin indeed has tried and proven the concepts and terms of what he is talking about. It's proven means you have less likelihood to find the bitter way if smth is going to work or not... He is honest and to the point. No bullshittingAnd no sales/benefitting purposes that lie behind as far as I see. He does well occasionally extra emphasize certain points, that happens yes... for good overall I think.

For the records, I am for 5 years daily on my motorbike for work-home travel and occasionally on small (day- weekend) trips in the western EU. I had a Yamaha Fazer FZ6, and currently, I drive a Honda VFR800F, strictly sports tourers thus.

Cem Ozgur (Netherlands) 14th of May 2020


Pavin’s course The Essential Guide to Any Motorcycle Traveler is a real gem. Even at the full price, this course will pay for itself in spades and works out at less than the cost of a dinner for 2 at a good restaurant. For me it was a no brainer, I am an accountant by trade but you don’t have to be an accountant to figure out good value when you see it. The 3 free books you get with the course are worth more than the course, that says it all.
Only on the chapter on camping equipment, I have saved money that I can put towards better gear from the previous chapter. The course is full of tips and hints from Pavin’s first-hand experience so I can save making mistakes that he and others before him have made, the ones that are obvious and make sense but there are other lessons that are not so obvious and could save me a lot of trouble and heartache whether riding on a short trip or an epic adventure. I have been riding motorbikes for nearly 4 decades and only in recent years have I started to enjoy long trips away from home. I have lived all over the world and have seen some wonderful places that I plan to return to on my motorbike and with the help of this course, I am sure I will do it with greater confidence and a lot less hassle.
I am not being paid to write this review, other people attending the course, I am sure will testify the same of their own free will. Ask yourself this question, how many courses have you ever been to where the instructor gives you his personal phone number so you can ask questions about the course or advice in general. I know I haven’t and I have attended quite a few in my lifetime and I have also delivered a few courses of my own and I have never shared my phone number with any of my trainees.

Max (UK) 10th of May 2020


The course is super! I followed Pavlin's Youtube channel for a while and I had no doubts about the quality of the information that always provides but here he gave more than he promised!

Julian (France) 07th of May 2020


One word - Fantastic! Thank you!

Florian (Romania) 3rd of May 2020